Posts Tagged 'Will Brothers'

1133 therapy

Zee end…

Yep, they do houses too… and we’re thrilled to be the Top Tour on Apartment Therapy! Go on, take the tour. (Hopefully, the ample slideshow will more than compensate for our severe dereliction of blog duty.)

Many thanks to Will and Matthew at Green Bottle Workshop and Beth Lundell Garver at Apartment Therapy.

Also, be sure to check out Matthew & Mikel’s DIY Water+Works Remodel (aka. Green Bottle HQ) which was featured on Apartment Therapy in January… and the recently updated Green Bottle Workshop site.

[Update—March 22: Also in the spotlight, 1133’s colorful kitchen on Apartment Therapy sister site The Kitchn. Have a butchers after the jump.]

Extra! Extra!

Metropolis - Jul/Aug 09 | Thicket - Sept/Oct 09 | Dwell - Oct 09

Metropolis - Jul/Aug 09 | Thicket - Sept/Oct 09 | Dwell - Oct 09

Too quiet here… on the blog. In real life, not so much. It’s been insanely busy at 1133 since our move-in last May. Rest assured, more content to come.

In the meantime, some late summer reading…

Auburn’s Rural Studio graces the cover of the July/August issue of Metropolis (take that Tavern on the Green!) with a feature by Suzanne LaBarre on the program eight years post-Sambo (that is, after the death of co-founder Samuel Mockbee in 2001). Be sure to pick up a hard copy to learn more about this important program… and to marvel at 1133 design-builders Will Brothers and Matthew Finley’s magnificent thesis project—the Newbern Firehouse—which gets a full spread (with photos by Timothy Hursley). Kudos Green Bottle gang!

And our own 1133 gets some ink in the September/October issue of Thicket as part of the “Homes We Love” section in the Home Idea Guide (with photos by Jason Wallis). Read all about it (and watch a little video starring Liane, Will & Matthew) after the jump.

[Update—September 15: See also the latest issue of Dwell (October 2009) for a story on Rural Studio’s $20,000 House… thanks Messr. Lambert!]

If the rain comes, they run and hide their heads…

So, there we were—week 22—a clear end in sight to most of the exterior work, and it just starts raining…

…and raining, and raining…

Due to an unfortunate delay on the weather-proofing of the upstairs terrace deck, non-stop rain on the outside, pretty much meant non-stop rain on the inside too… pushing our porous subfloor to the limit… and creating ideal conditions for some not-so-ideal mold and mildew growth.

Fast forward, and most of that’s behind us. 99.75% of the windows are in… the terrace deck’s weather-proofed (finally!), and there are even a few doors here and there (with nicely routed linear details, courtesy of Green Bottle Will).

In short, we’re back on track… and, as the noted lack of activity here can attest, with all of those aforementioned details left unaccounted for. Hopefully, we’ll be able to get to that over the next few days… as well as the big, big things on the immediate horizon.

Week 21.1: an update from Will



Awoke this morning to an email from Green Bottle Will:


hey roy + liane_

have you visited the oc-17 house lately?

the painters plan to work on sunday to re-spray the front steel rafter tails and do touch-ups around the house. monday, they plan on painting the wooden rafter tails. also on monday, the roofers plan to install the master bath roof and have the gutter and side pieces for the dining room installed.

tuesday, the glass installation starts (temporary stops will hold the glass in place until we can trim them out; the installers will also seal the windows from the outside around the frames).

on wednesday, if possible, i would like us all to meet in order to discuss lighting. and, we also have another possible solution for the upper balcony that we’d like to discuss.

that’s all i have for now. let me know if you have any questions.

have a good weekend.



So there you have it—a partial agenda for next week.

Today though, busy day ahead…

…which includes a trip to DirectBuy (yuck) to order our appliances (yeah!)… but, perhaps first, a stop by the house to see the latest and greatest… but only after lunch at Pho Que Huong (18A without nuts, please) and checking out that Aldi.

Rural Studio Tour: fire!

Newbern Volunteer Fire Department Station and City Hall.

Newbern Volunteer Fire Department Station and City Hall.

The Newbern Volunteer Fire Department Station and Town Hall holds the distinction of being the first new public building to be erected in Newbern since 1895. It’s also notable for being the Rural Studio thesis project of Will Brothers and Matthew Finley (in collaboration with with Elizabeth Ellington and Leia Price), co-founders of Green Bottle Workshop and architect/builders of our 1133.

Located directly across the street (AL-61) from the Red Barn, Newbern Post Office, and G.B.’s Mercantile, the 4,000 square foot structure houses three fire trucks and serves Newbernians as a town hall—a place to hold elections, council meetings, fire-fighting classes, and other community gatherings.

The sign.

The sign.

The station is supported by a wood and metal truss structure, and, on one side of the building, enclosed by translucent polycarbonate panels that are protected from the sun by cedar slats.

Polycarbonate panels.

Polycarbonate panels.

Cedar, polycarbonate and galv-alum.

Cedar, polycarbonate and galv-alum.

Cedar slats (detail).

Cedar slats (detail).

Can't fight the cedar!

Can't fight the cedar!

Unfortunately, we weren’t able to access the inside of the station during our visit (we shall return!), but we’ve been assured by Will and Matthew that there’s a mezzanine level for fire fighting classes, and, at the ground floor a bathroom and kitchen.

SSteps to the interior mezzanine level.

Steps to the interior mezzanine level.

On the side of the station opposite the cedar and polycarbonate, a long wall of galv-alum extends up and wraps over to form the roof of the station, resulting in an old-southern-barn-cum-shed aesthetic with a decidedly modernist bent.

Galv-alum wall.

Galv-alum wall.

Front overhang and wall (the flip-side of the galv-alum wall).

Front overhang and wall (the flip-side of the galv-alum).

For more on the Newbern Volunteer Fire Station, and to get a glimpse of the Rural Studio students in action during it’s design and construction, you can go here.

1133 | Rural Studio
Outside the Red Barn

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